Submit to God, Who Knows All

14 November, 2020
Submit to God, Who Knows All
Audio Download

Delivered on Sunday Morning the 15th of November 2020 by Pastor Nelson Attwood at Noble Park Evangelical Baptist Church, Victoria, Australia.

• 2Tim.3:16 & 2Peter 1:21

One: Submit to God, Who Knows Us
• Psalm 139:1-6,
• God knows us personally
• God knows our intentions,
• God knows us to save us.
• Submission to God involves
o 1) Confess of Sin
o 2) Seeking God’s Forgiveness
o 3) Follow God’s leadership,
o 4) Seeking God’s wisdom
o 5) Trusting God

Two: Submit to God, Who is Always With Us.
• From Heaven to Sheol, No Escape
• From East to West, No Escape
• From Deepest Sea – No Escape
• Disbelief = Rebellion
• Belief = Submission
• God is With us, God will never leave, nor forsake us

Three: Submit to God Who Created All
Submission to God results in:
1) Praise/Worship of God
2) Thanksgiving for God
3) Treasuring of God’s Thoughts – Word
4) Cont. Submission to God’s Knowing, Testing, & Leading

Questions for Reflection and Discussion

1. What details does David say that God knows about him in the following verses:
o Verse 2
o Verse 3
o Verse 4
o Verse 16
2. Hiding from God is a natural human instinct when we sin. What happens when a believer tries to hide from God?

3. What was David’s attitude towards God’s creation of him? Where do you see this in Psalm 139?

4. How does David regard God’s knowledge? Which verses show us this?

5. How did David model submission to God in:
o 2 Sam 12:21 -23
o 1 Chron 28:2-3

6. Why should we submit to God?

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Church Location:
152 Harold Rd
Noble Park 3174