By Christopher Ash. After the parable of the sower, Jesus says: “Consider carefully how you listen” (Luke 8:18). He says if we listen in one way, we will be given more, but if we listen in another way, even what we think we have will be taken from us. It’s…
Nelson Attwood
By Ps. Nelson Attwood I was recently challenged to renew the practise of meditation on scripture as part of my daily disciplines for godliness. The Puritan method for meditation is to take a scripture passage; pray for God’s help to comprehend it, and then to think as deeply as…
by Pastor Nelson Attwood Puritan author Thomas Manton wrote: “Faith is a grace by which we believe God’s word in the general, and in a special manner do receive Christ, and rest upon Him for grace here and glory hereafter.” The biblical concept of faith involves three steps: 1) faith…
Article by Paul Helm, edited and expanded by Ps. Nelson. John the Baptist preached repentance for forgiveness of sins in Mar.1:4. The Lord Jesus preached repentance, belief in the gospel and called us to follow Him in Mar.1:14-17. Peter preached repentance at Pentecost, Acts.2:38 and Paul preached that God commanded…
To Glorify God & Enjoy Him Forever. A Summarization by Ps. Nelson Attwood Why Must We Glorify God? There are many answers to this particular question, but for the sake of time and space we will consider only a few. 1 – Glorify God because He gives us our being.…