By Ps. Nelson Attwood I was recently challenged to renew the practise of meditation on scripture as part of my daily disciplines for godliness. The Puritan method for meditation is to take a scripture passage; pray for God’s help to comprehend it, and then to think as deeply as…
Daily archives: 3 February 2020
3 posts
by Pastor Nelson Attwood Puritan author Thomas Manton wrote: “Faith is a grace by which we believe God’s word in the general, and in a special manner do receive Christ, and rest upon Him for grace here and glory hereafter.” The biblical concept of faith involves three steps: 1) faith…
Article by Paul Helm, edited and expanded by Ps. Nelson. John the Baptist preached repentance for forgiveness of sins in Mar.1:4. The Lord Jesus preached repentance, belief in the gospel and called us to follow Him in Mar.1:14-17. Peter preached repentance at Pentecost, Acts.2:38 and Paul preached that God commanded…