The God Who Heals You – Acts 9:32-43

24 April, 2022

Book: Acts

The God Who Heals You


Introduction: Acts.8:40, 9:32-43

1st: The People God Sovereignly Includes in Healing, Acts.9:32, 33,  36 & 39

  • 8:54 Luke.5:24
  • 5:3                   Acts.19:11
  • 5:23,                   2Timothy.4:20
  • 2:25-30                   2Corinthians.12:7-10
  • Romans 8:28 15:42-44

2nd: The Power God Displays in Healing, Acts.9:34, 40

  • 15:26,                   Psalm.103:2-3
  • 3:12-16,                   1Corinthians.12:9

3rd: The Purpose God Intends in Healing & Miracles, Acts.9:35, 42

  • 1) Luke.4:31-36
  • 2) Matthew.8:1-3
  • 3) Luke.5:20-24
  • 4) Acts.9:32-35
  • 5) Acts.9:36-43