Our Leaders

Pastor Nelson Attwood

Nelson was born in Melbourne in 1969 and lived in Australia until 1980, when he and his family emigrated to Vancouver, Canada. He had heard the good news of God’s grace while growing up in his parent’s Christian home, and it was at Daybreak Point Bible Camp on Anvil Island where he met the Lord and was saved in 1982. Nelson also met his future wife, Heather, at the same Bible camp, and they were married in 1993. Nelson and Heather have been blessed with three young men, Jonathan, Cameron, & Braeden.

Nelson and Heather fellowshipped in the Open Brethren Assemblies throughout their teen and early married years. Nelson served the Lord as an itinerant preacher both in churches and at children’s summer camps throughout British Columbia, while working as a journeyman carpenter and cabinetmaker for 17 years. In 2010, the Lord began to prepare the Attwoods for a move overseas to return to Nelson’s native Australia, arriving in Melbourne on the 1st of November 2010. Nelson attended Melbourne School of Theology part-time over five years, completing a Bachelor of Theology, and in 2017 enrolled as a part-time student in a M.A. (Theology) course of studies at the Presbyterian Theological College.

After being involved in Grace Community Bible Church for a short time, Nelson, Heather, and several others worked to plant Casey Bible Church in Berwick in 2012. There they served the Lord for 4½ wonderful years, until the Lord called the Attwoods to Noble Park Evangelical Baptist Church in March 2017, where Nelson now serves as pastor.

Our Elders: Wes Taylor and Pooven Govender

Wes Taylor

Wes and Judith Taylor have been members of NPEBC for more than 20 years. They both became Christians when they began attending church in South Africa soon after their marriage. Wes studied Commerce and worked in Business until his retirement in 2005. He has an Honours degree in Theology. 

Pooven Govender

Pooven and Kathy Govender became members of NPEBC soon after arriving in Australia in 1998. Pooven grew up in a Hindu family in South Africa and became a Christian at the age of 19. He studied Information Technology and Teaching and later completed a Graduate Diploma in Theology. Pooven continues to work in the IT industry in Australia and overseas.